Authentic learning starts with authentic assessments.
Be the professor whose students make the most progress.
Questions Delivered
Happy Students
Instructor Satisfaction
Better Learning
Accessible AI
Enhanced Integrity
Reduce the impact of cheating in your classroom with tools that render collaborative and individual cheating obsolete.
Easy to Grade
When you deliver exams with EXAMIND, your questions can be graded by the software itself.
Easy to Use
Exams are easier for you to build and students to take without errors with our browser-based tool.
Transfer questions from your LMS into EXAMIND in a snap with our automated import.
Scan the web for your content with the click of a button.
Automatically insert unique variables that ensure no two students will ever get the same test.
Deliver more interactive questions and new question types with the help of AI tools.
Say goodbye to those annoying connectivity issue emails, because with EXAMIND you get an assessment delivery system that functions even without an internet connection.
Check in with students at your own convenience with live dashboards that aggregate student performance and let you stay on top of individual results.
Our evidence-based approach to cheating detection warns students when they're engaged in behavior connected with misconduct, and registers that activity in your dashboard for later review.
When you deliver assessments with EXAMIND, our combination of dynamic variables make identifying collaborative and individual cheaters easy and statistically reliable.
Student Pay Models that Won't Break the Bank
Inclusive Access
Access to EXAMIND is purchased through your institution's bookstore along with the other materials for your course.
*Price is an estimate, and includes bookstore and administration fees.
Equitable Access
EXAMIND is included in Equitable Access programs such as those from Follett, Willo, Barnes and Noble, and VitalSource, at no additional cost to the student.
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Direct to Student
Students purchase directly through EXAMIND. Ideal for courses without additional materials, or for institutions that do not offer inclusive access.
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Hear it from our professors.
Our department loves working with EXAMIND. Students are always happier and faculty find more time in their day because of it.
One of the biggest challenges I had was the efficiency of the exam process. Once I have my EXAMIND assessments created, the process of setting up my exam every semester is 10 minutes.
A lifelong commitment to technology and learning.
In 2021, two experienced technology professionals with a passion for artificial intelligence, and one globally recognized academic united with a common goal - fix student assessment. Alongside a group of global advisors, they are transforming assessment in higher education with first-principles thinking and people-first innovation.